7月12家爱尔兰食品企业因涉及害虫的食品安全违规而关闭。 12 Irish food businesses closed in July for food safety breaches involving pests.
据爱尔兰食品安全局称,爱尔兰的12家食品企业于7月因违反食品安全立法而接到了关闭令,包括活蟑螂、老鼠尸体和不良虫害控制措施。 12 food businesses in Ireland received closure orders in July for breaches of food safety legislation, including live cockroaches, rodent carcasses, and poor pest control measures, according to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. 美国食品安全局报告说,在本月,共有16个强制执行令被发给企业,强调食品安全和卫生对所有食品企业的重要性. The FSAI reported a total of 16 enforcement orders served on businesses that month, emphasizing the importance of food safety and hygiene for all food businesses.