Huaneng Pakistan职业技术学院为CPEC项目培训了6 000名当地人,投资2 600万元。 Huaneng Pakistan Vocational and Technical College trained 6,000 locals for CPEC projects with a 26 million yuan investment.
万农巴基斯坦职业和技术学院是中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊的一部分,在萨希瓦尔燃煤发电厂的支持下,已经培训了6 000多名当地人掌握各种技能,包括中文、计算机应用程序、电工、机械、焊接和消防安全。 The Huaneng Pakistan Vocational and Technical College, part of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and backed by the Sahiwal coal-fired power plant, has trained over 6,000 locals in various skills, including Chinese language, computer apps, electricians, mechanics, welding, and fire safety. 该学院投资2 600万元,还与地方顶尖大学合作,为专业职业学生提供免费培训。 With a 26 million yuan investment, the college has also collaborated with top local universities, offering free training bases for specialized career students. 该学院为学生提供实用技能,使其能够在《消除多氯联苯方案》之下的发电厂和工业中从事职业。 The college equips students with practical skills for careers in power plants and industries under the CPEC.