8月14日,一名摩托车手在A59 Harrogate上撞上一辆拖拉机,使他受重伤。 14 Aug, a motorcyclist collided with a tractor on A59 Harrogate, leaving him seriously injured.
8月14日,一名红色摩托车手在A59 Harrogate劫持了一辆与John Deere拖拉机相撞的汽车,使他受重伤。 14 Aug, a red motorcyclist overtaking a vehicle collided with a John Deere tractor on A59 Harrogate, leaving him seriously injured. 拖拉机司机没有受伤,得到警察援助,该地区被关闭调查。 The tractor driver remained unharmed, aided police, and the area was closed for investigation. 北约克郡警方在 chris.storey@northyorkshire.police.uk、101(参考文献 12240147648)或通过 Crimestoppers 匿名寻求证人、行车记录仪镜头和信息。 North Yorkshire Police seek witnesses, dashcam footage, and information at chris.storey@northyorkshire.police.uk, 101 (ref 12240147648), or anonymously via Crimestoppers.