Union J 歌手的未婚夫奥利·马蒙 (Olly Marmon) 在惠灵堡死于坠窗受伤;警方逮捕了亨斯利,后来又无罪释放了亨斯利。 Union J singer's fiancé Olly Marmon died from falling window injuries in Wellingborough; police arrested and later exonerated Hensley.
Union J 歌手杰米·亨斯利 (Jaymi Hensley) 的未婚夫奥利·马蒙 (Olly Marmon) 在北安普敦郡威灵堡的一家酒店从窗户坠落后不幸身亡。 Union J singer Jaymi Hensley's fiancé, Olly Marmon, tragically died after falling from a window at a hotel in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. 警察最初因涉嫌谋杀而逮捕Hensley,但在法医验尸后发现,Marmon的死亡是坠落后受伤造成的,现已将案件转交验尸官。 The police initially arrested Hensley on suspicion of murder, but after a forensic post-mortem, they found that Marmon's death was caused by injuries from the fall and have now passed the case to the coroner. 将不会对Hensley采取进一步的行动。 No further action will be taken against Hensley.