两名乘坐摩托车的嫌疑人在米德尔斯堡的新型监控摄像头杆上破坏了它的第一天. 2 suspects on a motorbike vandalized Middlesbrough's new CCTV camera pole on its first day of operation.
米德尔斯堡的新闭路电视摄像机杆在运营的第一天就被两名骑摩托车的嫌疑人破坏,他们用锯子将其切割,导致它掉到附近的一处房产上。 Middlesbrough's new CCTV camera pole was vandalized on its first day of operation by two suspects on a motorbike, who used a saw to cut it down, causing it to fall onto a nearby property. 摄像头是为保护公众安装的,但毫无理智的行为发生在安装一天之内。 The camera was installed to protect the public, but the senseless act occurred within a day of its installation. 克利夫兰警方正在寻找事件中使用的摩托车的车主,并敦促任何知情人与他们联系。 Cleveland Police are searching for the owner of the motorbike used in the incident and are urging anyone with information to contact them.