NFL/CFL 球员 Cierre Wood 因二级谋杀女友的 5 岁女儿而被判处无期徒刑,并在 10 年内假释,还被指控犯有虐待儿童的重罪。 NFL/CFL player Cierre Wood sentenced to life with parole in 10 years for 2nd-degree murder of girlfriend's 5-year-old daughter, also charged with felony child abuse.
前NFL和CFL玩家Cierre Wood被判终身监禁,10年后有可能假释,罪名是他女友5岁女儿La'Rayah Davis在拉斯维加斯公寓被二级谋杀。 Former NFL and CFL player Cierre Wood was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 10 years for the second-degree murder of his girlfriend's 5-year-old daughter, La'Rayah Davis, in his Las Vegas apartment. Wood还因严重虐待儿童而被判处28个月至6年徒刑,必须连续执行。 Wood also received a sentence of between 28 months and six years for felony child abuse, which must be served consecutively. 儿童的母亲Amy Taylor也对二级谋杀和严重虐待儿童指控认罪。 The child's mother, Amy Taylor, also pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and felony child abuse charges.