俾斯麦市官员警告说,由于强降雨使雨水系统超载,不要在被洪水淹没的街道上驾驶。 Bismarck city officials warn against driving in flooded streets due to heavy rainfall overloading the stormwater system.
俾斯麦市官员警告居民不要在暴雨后在被洪水淹没的街道上开车,因为该市的雨水系统超载,导致道路充当雨水管道。 Bismarck city officials warn residents against driving in flooded streets after heavy rainfall, as the city's stormwater system is overloaded, causing roadways to function as stormwater conduits. 一些地区降下多达4英寸的雨水,导致街道淹水、车辆停放和企业受损。 Up to 4 inches of rain fell in some areas, leading to flooded streets, stalled vehicles, and damage to businesses. Burleigh县正在协助启动Tavis水泵站,将水从该市南部排水沟运到密苏里河。 Burleigh County is assisting by activating the Tavis pump station to move water from the city's south drainage ditch to the Missouri River.