在温尼伯的15岁男孩因另一名15岁男孩的砍刀攻击而受了改变生命的伤,他被捕并受到指控。 15-year-old boy in Winnipeg suffers life-altering injuries from a machete attack by another 15-year-old, who was arrested and charged.
威尼伯的15岁男孩因另一名15岁的陌生人用刀剑袭击而遭受改变人生的伤害. 15-year-old boy in Winnipeg suffers life-altering injuries from a machete attack by another unacquainted 15-year-old. 袭击者在附近被捕,被控严重攻击、抢劫、拥有武器以及4项不遵守缓刑令罪。 The attacker was arrested nearby, charged with aggravated assault, robbery, possession of a weapon, and four counts of failing to comply with a probation order. 受害者在医院接受危急状况治疗后,现在处于稳定状态。 The victim is now in stable condition after treatment in critical condition at the hospital. 温尼伯警方鼓励任何有信息的人联系重罪部门. Winnipeg police encourage anyone with information to contact the major crimes unit.