新斯科舍省政府向急救组织提供120万美元的资金,用于设备,供水和个人防护装备. Nova Scotia government grants $1.2 million to first responder organizations for equipment, water supplies, and personal protective gear.
新斯科舍省政府正向64个急救组织提供120万美元的赠款,其中包括消防部门、搜救队和哈兹马特部队。 Nova Scotia Government is giving $1.2 million in grants to 64 first responder organizations, including fire departments, search and rescue teams, and hazmat units. 供资的目的是为自愿第一反应者提供救援设备、供水和个人防护装备。 The funding aims to provide rescue equipment, water supplies, and personal protective gear for volunteer first responders. 这是对他们最近在洪水期间英勇努力的赞赏,该省还正在启动一项试点方案,以改善第一反应人员和其他公共安全人员的心理健康,并组建一个新的新斯科舍省警卫队,帮助社区应对危机和灾害并从中恢复过来。 This comes as an appreciation for their recent heroic efforts during floods, and the province is also launching a pilot program to improve the mental health of first responders and other public safety personnel, and a new Nova Scotia Guard volunteer corps to help communities respond to and recover from crises and disasters.