Harward研究将红肉中的高制导铁与2型糖尿病风险增加26%联系起来。 Harward study links high heme iron in red meat to a 26% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
新的哈佛研究将红肉中的高 heme 铁含量与2型糖尿病风险增加26%联系起来。 New Harvard study links high heme iron levels in red meat to a 26% increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 该研究发表在《自然代谢》上,分析了来自206 000多名卫生专业人员的36年饮食数据。 The research, published in Nature Metabolism, analyzed 36 years of dietary data from over 206,000 health professionals. 研究发现,较高的黑铁摄入量与2型糖尿病风险之间有很大的联系,表明从红肉中切除黑铁和采用植物丰富的饮食可以帮助降低糖尿病风险。 The study found a significant association between higher heme iron intake and type 2 diabetes risk, suggesting that cutting down on heme iron from red meat and adopting a plant-rich diet can help lower diabetes risk.