4名前执法人员/军官被控在2019年为中国商人进行虚假突袭,勒索了3 700万美元,如被定罪,将面临多达20年的打击。 4 ex-law enforcement/military officers charged with staging fake raid for Chinese businessman in 2019, extorted $37M and face up to 20 yrs if convicted.
4名前执法人员和军官,包括2名前洛杉矶县警长副手和2名外国士兵,被控在2019年对中国商人的住宅进行虚假的执法突袭。 Four ex-law enforcement and military officers, including two former LA County sheriff's deputies and two foreign soldiers, have been charged with staging a fake law enforcement raid on a Chinese businessman's home in 2019. 该团伙受雇于一名与受害人有商业纠纷的富裕中国国民,威胁该男子及其家人,迫使他签署文件,放弃在一家中国公司中的利益,并移交近3 700万美元。 The group, hired by a wealthy Chinese national with business disputes with the victim, threatened the man and his family, forcing him to sign documents relinquishing his interest in a Chinese company and handing over nearly $37 million. 这四个人,Steven Arthur Lankford、Glen Louis Cozart、Max Samuel Bennett Turbett和Matthew Phillip Hart, 面临密谋敲诈勒索、企图敲诈勒索、阴谋侵犯权利、剥夺法律规定的权利等指控。 The four men, Steven Arthur Lankford, Glen Louis Cozart, Max Samuel Bennett Turbett, and Matthew Phillip Hart, face charges of conspiracy to commit extortion, attempted extortion, conspiracy against rights, and deprivation of rights under color of law. 如果被定罪,他们每人可面临20年以下的联邦监禁。 If convicted, they could each face up to 20 years in federal prison.