6名船员在Portsmouth岸外的“3个女孩”渔船上被救出;没有重大受伤。 6 crew members rescued from fire on fishing vessel "Three Girls" off Portsmouth coast; no major injuries.
6名船员在新罕布什尔州Portsmouth沿海的81英尺长的渔船“3个女孩”发生火灾后获救。 6 crew members were rescued after a fire broke out on their 81-ft fishing vessel, "Three Girls", off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 美国海岸警卫队接到求救电话,在朴茨茅斯以东105海里处找到了这艘船,并在救生筏上发现了所有六个人。 The US Coast Guard received a distress call, located the vessel 105 nautical miles east of Portsmouth, and found all six individuals on a life raft. 他们被转移到南波特兰的一个码头,没有遭受任何重大伤害。 They were transferred to a pier in South Portland without any major injuries.