上诉法院维持了司机Darren Jacques因2020年导致5岁的Layton Darwood死亡而被判处的6年徒刑。 Court of Appeal upholds driver Darren Jacques' six-year sentence for causing five-year-old Layton Darwood's death in 2020.
上诉法院驳回Darren Jacques司机在2020年Newcastle附近Fenham悲惨事件中造成5岁的Layton Darwood死亡后提出的减刑上诉。 Court of Appeal dismisses driver Darren Jacques' appeal for a reduced sentence after he caused the death of five-year-old Layton Darwood in a tragic incident in Fenham, near Newcastle, in 2020. Jacques过去曾因54项犯罪(包括11项驾车犯罪)被判26项有罪,并四次被取消驾驶资格。 Jacques had a history of 26 convictions for 54 offences, including 11 motoring offences, and had been disqualified from driving four times. 法官将原来的六年监禁称为“完全值得”,并驳回了Jacques关于“明显过重”的说法。 The judges called the original six-year prison sentence "fully merited" and rejected Jacques' claim that it was "manifestly excessive."