8岁的Sayra Barros在GA的Gwinnett县被继母杀害,她父亲因虐待儿童而受审。 8-year-old Sayra Barros was killed by her stepmother in Gwinnett County, GA, and her father is on trial for child cruelty.
8岁的Sayra Barros在GA的Gwinnett县被她的继母Natiela Barros杀害,据称她被她的继母Natiela Barros用木制滚动针殴打。 8-year-old Sayra Barros was killed in Gwinnett County, GA, by her stepmother Natiela Barros, who allegedly beat her with a wooden rolling pin. 她父亲Cledir Barros因虐待孩子而受审, Her father, Cledir Barros, is on trial for child cruelty, as prosecutors argue he failed to protect her from the stepmother's abuse. 最初,父母双方都面临谋杀指控,但Cledir的指控被撤销为虐待儿童。 Initially, both parents faced murder charges, but Cledir's charges were dropped to child cruelty. 辩方声称,父亲经常不在场,充当卡车司机,而且不知道虐待。 The defense claims the father was often absent as a truck driver and unaware of the abuse. 陪审团将在最后辩论和先前讨论之后,于星期一继续进行审议。 The jury will continue deliberations on Monday after closing arguments and previous discussions.