40%的新西兰海产食品出口到联合王国,由于通信差距和文件不正确,仍然支付关税。 40% of NZ seafood exports to the UK still pay tariffs due to communication gaps and incorrect paperwork.
新西兰的海产食品工业没有从自由贸易协定中充分受益,对联合王国出口的40%仍在支付一年前取消的关税。 New Zealand's seafood industry is not fully benefiting from free trade agreements, with 40% of exports to the UK still paying tariffs eliminated a year ago. 维塔利斯副贸易秘书指出,该行业与外交和贸易部之间存在沟通差距。 The Deputy Secretary of Trade, Vitalis, points to a communication gap between the industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 新西兰海产食品公司首席执行官Lisa Futschek认为,问题在于进口商没有正确填写文件。 Seafood New Zealand CEO, Lisa Futschek, believes the problem lies with importers not completing paperwork correctly. 该部的关税发现者可以帮助出口商确定符合条件的产品和获得自由贸易协定好处的国家。 The Ministry's tariff finder can help exporters identify eligible products and countries for FTA benefits.