新西兰内阁批准对一半受益人福利的电子资金管理倡议。 New Zealand Cabinet approves electronic money management initiative for half of beneficiaries' benefits.
新西兰内阁商定了一项新的电子资金管理倡议,其中一半受益人的福利将装上购买基本物品的卡片。 New Zealand Cabinet agreed on a new electronic money management initiative, where half of beneficiaries' benefits will be loaded onto a card for essential purchases. 澳大利亚首都地区领导人David Seymour希望这一举动将抑制长期依赖性,并扩大到包括非工人有时间限制的现金福利和多子女者的电子管理。 ACT leader David Seymour hopes this move will discourage long-term dependency and expand to include time-limited cash benefits for non-workers and electronic management for those with multiple children. 对澳大利亚无现金借记卡的一项研究表明,它减少了药物滥用、与酒精有关的暴力和赌博。 A study on Australia's Cashless Debit Card showed it reduced substance abuse, alcohol-related violence, and gambling.