爱达荷州布兰查德附近发生一起车祸,包括一名未成年人,涉及一辆卡车和一辆没有头灯的越野车,造成 2 人死亡。 2 fatalities, including a minor, occurred in a crash near Blanchard, Idaho involving a truck and a dirt bike with no headlights.
星期六晚上,在爱达荷州Blanchard附近发生坠机事故,造成2人死亡,其中包括一名未成年人。 2 fatalities, including a minor, occurred in a crash near Blanchard, Idaho on Saturday evening. 一辆丰田卡车试图通过驶入北行车道来超越一辆缓慢行驶的汽车,与一辆没有大灯的北行越野车相撞。 A Toyota truck tried to pass a slow-moving car by moving into the northbound lane, colliding with a northbound dirt bike without headlights. 卡车司机和土车骑手在现场死亡,41号公路关闭5小时。 Both the truck driver and dirt bike rider died at the scene, and the Highway 41 was closed for 5 hours. 卡车司机没有系安全带。 The truck driver was not wearing a seatbelt.