埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 Twitter 会员资格引发了人们对 GIFCT 可信度的担忧,因为该平台很容易找到哈马斯的视频。 Elon Musk's Twitter membership raises concern over GIFCT's credibility due to platform's ease in finding Hamas videos.
全球互联网反恐论坛(GIFCT)担心埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的Twitter会员资格影响其信誉,因为该平台已成为查找哈马斯视频的最简单方法。 The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) is concerned about Elon Musk's Twitter membership affecting its credibility, as the platform has become the easiest way to find Hamas videos. GIFCT 成员包括 Facebook、Microsoft、Twitter 和 YouTube 等主要社交媒体平台,他们认为 X 在董事会中的成员资格对其信誉产生了负面影响。 GIFCT members, which include major social media platforms like Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube, believe X's membership on the board negatively impacts its credibility. 据报道,X是GIFTT的创始成员,现在未能为该组织提供充分的财务贡献。 X, a founding member of GIFCT, is now reportedly failing to fully contribute financially to the organization.