农业和渔业部, " 霍尔特创新 " 将高产、抗病草莓品种Stella-ASBP引入澳大利亚市场。 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hort Innovation introduce high-yielding, disease-resistant strawberry variety Stella-ASBP to Australian market.
澳大利亚农业和渔业部和园林创新部已将一种高产,耐病的草品种Stella-ASBP推向澳大利亚市场. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Hort Innovation have introduced Stella-ASBP, a high-yielding, disease-resistant strawberry variety, to the Australian market. 这个新品种以已故记者和残疾人活动家斯特拉·杨(Stella Young)的名字命名,具有抵抗红叶病的能力,确保植物更健康,并改善消费者体验。 The new variety, named after late journalist and disability activist Stella Young, offers resistance to red leaf disorder, ensuring healthier plants and improved consumer experience. 这一发展对澳大利亚的白莓业至关重要,昆士兰州通过草莓生产为国家经济贡献了1.8亿美元。 This development is crucial for the Australian berry industry, with Queensland contributing $180m to the state's economy through strawberry production.