舞蹈家詹姆斯·佩特(James Pett)带着他的现代舞作品《IMAGO》在苏格兰的首演重返伊甸园。 Dancer James Pett returns to Eden Court with the Scottish premiere of his contemporary dance piece, IMAGO.
丁沃尔舞者詹姆斯·佩特(James Pett)在伊甸园(Eden Court)找到了他对舞蹈的热情,他带着他的现代舞作品《IMAGO》的苏格兰首演回到了高地的伊甸园球场,该作品由特拉维斯·克劳森-奈特(Travis Clausen-Knight)联合执导。 Dingwall dancer James Pett, who found his passion for dance at Eden Court, returns to Highland's Eden Court venue with the Scottish premiere of his contemporary dance piece, IMAGO, co-directed by Travis Clausen-Knight. 除了表演之外,她们还为有抱负的舞者提供居住机会。 Alongside the performance, they offer residency opportunities for aspiring dancers. 佩特的目标是让每个人都能接触到现代舞并令人兴奋,打破障碍并与音乐剧的兴奋相提并论。 Pett aims to make contemporary dance accessible and exciting for everyone, breaking down barriers and drawing comparisons to the excitement of musical theatre.