澳大利亚智能耳机制造商Nuheara因与合作伙伴Realtek的商业交易失败而进入自愿管理. Australian smart earbud maker Nuheara enters voluntary administration due to failed commercial deal with partner Realtek.
澳大利亚智能耳机制造商Nuheara因与台湾半导体合作伙伴Realtek的商业交易失败而进入自愿管理. Australian smart earbud maker Nuheara enters voluntary administration due to a failed commercial deal with Taiwanese semiconductor partner Realtek. Nuheara专门提供智能助听器,两年前签署了一项谅解备忘录,共同开发耳膜的下一代芯片,但许可费和特许权使用费争端导致这种关系恶化。 Nuheara, specializing in smart hearing aids, had signed a MOU two years ago to jointly develop a next-gen chip for their earbuds but disputes over licensing fees and royalties led to the relationship's deterioration. Nuheara无法向Realtek支付250万美元的贷款,在向投资者只筹集到185万美元的资本后,要求毕马威国际会计公司管理人员提供帮助。 Nuheara was unable to pay a $2.5m loan to Realtek and sought KPMG administrators for help after raising only $1.85m in capital from investors.