据悉, 印度的北方地区在8月14日举行了"分裂恐怖纪念日". Uttar Pradesh marks 'Partition Horrors Remembrance Day' on August 14, with district events and educational initiatives.
印度最大的邦北方邦(Utttar Pradesh), 纪念8月14日「分裂恐怖纪念日」, 纪念1947年印度分治期间的生命损失。 Uttar Pradesh, India's largest state, marks 'Partition Horrors Remembrance Day' on August 14, to commemorate the lives lost during the 1947 India partition. 国家计划在所有75个县举办活动,邀请流离失所家庭参加,促进团结、社会和谐和增强人的权能。 The state plans to host events across all 75 districts, inviting displaced families and promoting unity, social harmony, and human empowerment. 将举办展览、纪录片和图书展览,教育公众,特别是年轻一代,了解分割对印度历史的影响。 Exhibitions, documentaries, and book exhibits will be held to educate the public, particularly the younger generation, about the partition's impact on India's history.