一名男子企图闯入Alegheny县监狱的访客大厅,造成大门损坏。 A man attempted to break into Allegheny County Jail's visitors' lobby, causing door damage.
一名男子企图在星期六闯入Allegheny县监狱的访客前厅,造成大门损坏。 A man attempted to break into Allegheny County Jail's visitors' lobby on Saturday, causing door damage. 匹兹堡警方发现他受伤并拘留他,将他送往医院治疗。 Pittsburgh police found him injured and detained him, taking him to a hospital for treatment. 正在对这名身份不明的个人提出与入室盗窃有关的指控,并计划在他的病情稳定后将他带入监狱进行传讯。 Burglary-related charges are being filed against the unidentified individual, with plans to take him into jail for arraignment after his condition stabilizes.