美国银行将Cognizant Technology Solutions的评级上调至“中性”,目标价为75.00美元。 Bank of America raised Cognizant Technology Solutions' rating to "Neutral" with a $75.00 target.
美国银行将Cognizant技术解决方案 (CTSH) 的评级提高到"中性",并设定了75美元的目标价格. Bank of America raised its rating on Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTSH) to "Neutral" and set a $75.00 price target. 该公司报告的Q2 EPS为117美元,超过分析师的估计数5美元,市场上限为370亿美元。 The company reported Q2 EPS of $1.17, surpassing analysts' estimates by $0.05, and has a market cap of $37 billion. 首席执行官Ravi Kumar Singisetti以平均73.66美元的价格出售了6 728股股票。 CEO Ravi Kumar Singisetti sold 6,728 shares at an average price of $73.66. 科格尼桑科技解决方案的机构投资者拥有该公司92.44%的股票. Cognizant Technology Solutions' institutional investors own 92.44% of the company's stock. 9个主要金融机构发表了研究报告,花旗集团将其目标价格降至82美元,美国银行将其提高到75美元。 Nine major financial institutions have published research reports, with Citigroup lowering its target price to $82.00 and Bank of America raising it to $75.00.