15岁的少年被指控犯有二级犯罪罪, 破坏学校的价值为1000至1万美元. 15-year-old charged with second-degree criminal mischief for $1,000-$10,000 school vandalism.
一名15岁的女孩被指控犯有D类重罪, 破坏了四所苏城学校, 15-year-old girl charged with class D felony for vandalizing four Sioux City schools, East Middle, East High, West Middle, and West High, with profanity-laced graffiti. 损失超过 1,000 美元但不超过 10,000 美元,可被指控犯有二级刑事恶作剧。 Damage exceeds $1,000 but not more than $10,000, resulting in a charge of second-degree criminal mischief. 案件开始时,星期天早些时候据报发生了破坏财产事件;8月23日学校预定重新开放。 The case began when vandalism was reported early Sunday; schools set to reopen on August 23.