马耳他商会对据称的身份证丑闻表示关切,指责政府治理不善,敦促立即采取行动。 Malta Chamber of Commerce raises concerns over alleged identity card scandal, accusing the government of poor governance and urging immediate action.
马耳他工商会对据称的身份证丑闻表示关切,指责马耳他政府“严重管理不善”和未能坚持善政原则。 Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise, and Industry raises concerns over alleged identity card scandal, accusing the Maltese government of "gross mismanagement" and failure in upholding good governance principles. 这一丑闻涉及向第三国国民发放假身份证,可能损害马耳他的国际声誉、商业环境和公众信心。 The scandal, involving the issuance of fraudulent identity cards to third-country nationals, could undermine Malta's international reputation, business environment, and public confidence. 议会敦促国家立即采取行动,恢复善政,包括任命和进程的透明度,解决政府、公务员制度和政党之间的模糊界限,并重建公众对马耳他机构的信任。 The Chamber urges immediate state action to restore good governance, including transparency in appointments and processes, addressing blurred lines between the government, civil service, and political parties, and rebuilding public trust in Malta's institutions.