Jake Quickenden和妻子Sophie在Instagram上透露, 他们期待在七月生第三个儿子。 Jake Quickenden and wife Sophie reveal on Instagram they are expecting a third son in July.
Jake Quickenden and wife Sophie, 有两个儿子的双亲Leo and Freddie, 宣布他们的第三个孩子也将是Instagram性别曝光中的男孩。 Jake Quickenden and wife Sophie, parents to two sons, Leo and Freddie, announced their third child will also be a boy in an Instagram gender reveal. 这对夫妇在思想上挣扎,表示他们对家庭新增加的内容感到兴奋。 The couple, who struggled with conceiving, expressed their excitement for the new addition to their family. 苏菲最初开玩笑说她想要一个女孩, 但父母都强调一个健康快乐的孩子的重要性。 Sophie initially joked about her desire for a girl, but both parents emphasized the importance of a healthy and happy child. 预计该婴儿将于7月出生,全家期待婴儿到来。 The baby is expected in July, and the family looks forward to its arrival.