印度和尼泊尔合作为地球表面植被数据库进行卫星发射。 India and Nepal collaborate on satellite launch for Earth's surface vegetation database.
印度和尼泊尔合作发射尼泊尔科学和技术学院开发的尼泊尔Munal卫星。 India and Nepal have collaborated on the launch of Nepal's Munal satellite, developed by the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. 该卫星旨在建立一个地球表面植被密度数据库。 The satellite aims to build a vegetation density database of Earth's surface. 印度外交部和印度新空间有限公司(印度空间研究组织的商业部门)签署了一份谅解备忘录,为卫星发射提供NSIL极地卫星运载火箭方面的援助。 India's Ministry of External Affairs and NewSpace India Limited, ISRO's commercial arm, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide assistance for the satellite's launch on NSIL's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.