康涅狄格州严格的枪支法导致枪支制造商减少,造成失业。 Connecticut's strict gun laws lead to decline in firearms manufacturers, causing job losses.
康涅狄格州严格的枪支管制导致枪支制造商减少,许多企业被裁员或搬迁。 Connecticut's strict gun regulations have led to a decline in firearms manufacturers, with many downsizing or relocating their businesses. Sturm、Ruger & Co. 和Smith & Wesson是受影响者,造成失业。 Sturm, Ruger & Co. and Smith & Wesson are among those affected, causing job losses. 虽然该州的枪支行业拥有200多家许可制造商, 但由于法律存在挑战, 估计产生19亿美元的经济影响, 支持2,100个直接就业机会. The state's firearms industry, though significant with 200+ licensed manufacturers, faces challenges due to the laws, generating an estimated $1.9bn economic impact and supporting 2,100 direct jobs.