在堪萨斯州Coffey县,周五在Waverly市公园附近发生了一起绑架儿童未遂事件,嫌疑人用银色Lexus作为车辆。 In Coffey County, Kansas, a child abduction attempt occurred near Waverly's city park on Friday, with a silver Lexus as the suspect vehicle.
在堪萨斯州Coffey县,据报星期五下午在Waverly市公园附近发生了一起绑架儿童未遂事件。 In Coffey County, Kansas, a child abduction attempt was reported near Waverly's city park on Friday afternoon. 嫌疑车辆是一辆带有明尼苏达州车牌的晚期型号银色雷克萨斯,最后一次被看到从凯利街向西行驶在第六大道上。 The suspect vehicle, a late model Silver Lexus with Minnesota license plates, was last seen heading westbound on 6th Avenue from Kelley Street. 当局敦促公众报告任何目击事件和家长与其子女讨论陌生人安全。 Authorities urge the public to report any sightings and parents to discuss stranger safety with their children.