8月9日,英国独立电视台(ITV)的《早安英国》(Good Morning Britain)因将凯蒂·普莱斯(Katie Price)的被捕置于其他新闻之上而面临观众的强烈反对。 ITV's Good Morning Britain faced viewer backlash for prioritizing Katie Price's arrest over other news on August 9.
据报道,ITV的"早安英国"节目在8月9日的观众数量下降,粉丝们批评节目对凯蒂·普莱斯被捕的报道. ITV's Good Morning Britain faced a drop in viewership on August 9, with fans criticizing the show's coverage of Katie Price's arrest. 观众在社交媒体上表达了不满,指责该节目将凯蒂·普莱斯的故事置于其他新闻之上,包括逮捕涉嫌煽动谋杀和违反《公共秩序法》的男子瑞奇·琼斯。 Viewers expressed dissatisfaction on social media, accusing the program of prioritizing Katie Price's story over other news, including the arrest of Ricky Jones, a man suspected of inciting murder and a Public Order Act offense. 有些观众威胁要关闭节目, 声称覆盖范围不平衡。 Some viewers threatened to switch off from the program, claiming the coverage was unbalanced.