伊利诺伊州由于性病高发率,在网上约会安全排名方面名列美国第30位。 Illinois has the 30th lowest online dating safety ranking in the US due to high STD rates.
伊利诺伊州在美国各州中排名第30位,因为性病发病率高,网上约会安全,佛蒙特州、缅因州和新罕布什尔州是最安全的州。 Illinois ranks 30th among U.S. states for online dating safety due to high STD rates, with Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire being the safest states. 内华达州、阿拉斯加州和佐治亚州 网上约会风险最高 包括浪漫骗局、钓鱼 和不真正寻求关系的人 Nevada, Alaska, and Georgia have the highest online dating risks, including romance scams, catfishing, and people not genuinely seeking relationships. 最近的一项调查还显示,蒙大拿人将感染性病列为网上约会中最糟糕的部分。 A recent survey also showed that Montanans ranked contracting STDs as the worst part of online dating.