Galiano Gold将Abore矿藏储备增加45%至加纳的485 000盎司。 Galiano Gold increases Mineral Reserves at Abore deposit by 45% to 485,000 ounces in Ghana.
据Galiano Gold公司报告,其在加纳的Abore矿藏的矿物储备增加了45%,达到485 000盎司。 Galiano Gold reported a 45% increase in Mineral Reserves at its Abore deposit in Ghana to 485,000 ounces. 在Q2 2024年,该公司生产了26 437盎司黄金,价值为1 759 AISC美元,从Asanko金矿产生920万美元的营业现金流量。 In Q2 2024, the company produced 26,437 gold ounces at $1,759 AISC, generating $9.2 million of operating cash flows from the Asanko Gold Mine. 该公司仍然没有债务,现金为1.23亿美元,并正在修订其全年生产指南,由于采矿业的加速速度放慢和磨坊产量下降,其全年生产指南在12万至13万盎司之间。 The company remains debt-free with $123 million in cash and is revising its full-year production guidance to between 120,000 and 130,000 ounces due to slower ramp-up in mining and lower mill throughput.