36岁的Amber Zernzach,图拉尔小学校长,因神经内分泌癌而去世。 36-year-old Amber Zernzach, Tullar Elementary School principal, passed away due to neuroendocrine cancer.
Tullar小学校长、36岁的Amber Zernzach于8月2日因神经内分泌癌而去世。 36-year-old Amber Zernzach, principal of Tullar Elementary School, passed away on August 2 after a battle with neuroendocrine cancer. Zernzach担任校长已有两年,对该地区及其学生产生了重大影响。 Zernzach had served as principal for two years, making a significant impact on the district and her students. Neenah联合学校区长Steve Harrison博士向她的家人表示哀悼,退休顾问和行政人员Bill Richardson将担任图拉尔的临时校长。 Neenah Joint School District Superintendent Dr. Steve Harrison expressed condolences to her family, and Bill Richardson, a retired counselor and administrator, will serve as Tullar's interim principal.