在尼日利亚卡诺的性工作者由于饥饿抗议和宵禁而面临生计下降。 Sex workers in Kano, Nigeria, face livelihood decline due to hunger protests and curfew.
尼日利亚卡诺的性工作者由于持续的饥饿抗议和宵禁而挣扎不已,这些抗议和宵禁导致顾客减少,对他们的生计产生不利影响。 Sex workers in Kano, Nigeria, are struggling due to ongoing hunger protests and curfew, which have led to a decline in customers and negatively affected their livelihoods. 他们敦促抗议组织者与政府进行对话,以解决不满和结束抗议,同时要求当局放松宵禁。 They have urged protest organizers to engage in dialogue with the government to address grievances and bring protests to an end, while also requesting the authorities to relax the curfew. 宵禁还影响到该地区其他商业和社会活动。 The curfew has also impacted other businesses and social activities in the area.