IKEA在爱达荷州开设了一个服务中心,提供负担得起的分娩和取货选择。 IKEA opens a service center in Idaho for affordable delivery and pick-up options.
瑞典家具零售商IKEA正在梅里迪安附近的伊达霍开设一个服务中心, IKEA, a Swedish furniture retailer, is opening a service center in Idaho, near Meridian, to provide affordable delivery and pick-up options for the state's residents. 交货费开始为19美元,取款选择费为10美元。 Delivery fees start at $19, and pick-up options cost $10. 此举旨在提供灵活性和可负担性,让更多人获得宜家家具解决方案,而不必长途往返于犹他州德拉珀最近的商店。 This move aims to offer flexibility and affordability, allowing more people to access IKEA's home furnishing solutions without long commutes to the nearest store in Draper, Utah.