多伦多市中心娱乐区因车库火灾而发生煤气泄漏事件;没有伤亡报告。 Gas leak incident in Downtown Toronto's Entertainment District caused by garage fire; no injuries reported.
多伦多市市中心在娱乐区附近发生煤气泄漏事件,起因是车库发生火灾。 Downtown Toronto experienced a gas leak incident near the Entertainment District, resulting from a fire in a garage. 被怀疑是用煤气供养的火灾导致撤离和道路关闭。 The fire, suspected to be gas-fed, led to evacuations and road closures. 警察和消防员控制了该地区,扑灭了火势,修复了煤气泄漏,在下午10时左右重新开放道路和建筑物。 Police and firefighters secured the area, extinguished the fire, and repaired the gas leak, reopening roads and buildings around 10 PM. 火灾和煤气泄漏的原因仍不得而知,未报告有人受伤。 The cause of the fire and gas leak remains unknown, with no injuries reported.