8月5日俄亥俄州布朗县小卡车撞车,55岁的Danny Burdine Jr.死于8月5日。 55-year-old Danny Burdine Jr. died after a pickup truck crash in Brown County, Ohio on August 5.
8 月 5 日,来自温彻斯特的 55 岁的小丹尼·伯丁 (Danny Burdine Jr.) 在俄亥俄州布朗县的皮卡车撞上电线杆、栅栏和树木后死亡。 55-year-old Danny Burdine Jr. from Winchester died after his pickup truck crashed into a utility pole, fence, and tree in Brown County, Ohio on August 5. 该事件涉及他2012年的Dodge Ram 3500小卡车,于下午7时发生在Jackson镇Francis Road附近的John Woods Rd。 The incident, involving his 2012 Dodge Ram 3500 pickup truck, occurred at 7 p.m. on John Woods Rd near Francis Road in Jackson Township. Burdine严重受伤,后经空中护理医疗直升机被送往辛辛那提大学医院,后来被宣布死亡。 Burdine was seriously injured and transported to the University of Cincinnati Hospital via Air Care medical helicopter, where he was later pronounced dead.