9月,Twickenham橄榄球场在与Allianz保险公司的长期交易中改名为Allianz体育场,第一场比赛以英格兰妇女团队为主。 In September, Twickenham rugby stadium is renamed Allianz Stadium in a long-term deal with Allianz insurance company, with the first match featuring England's women's team.
Twickenham 橄榄球场最初以其伦敦地点命名,在与Allianz保险公司达成长期交易后,将于9月改名为Allianz体育场。 Twickenham rugby stadium, originally named after its London location, will be renamed Allianz Stadium in September after a long-term deal with insurance company Allianz. 俄罗斯体育联盟声称, 这种合作将对这项运动具有"变革性", 并将支持从基层到精英水平的发展. The RFU claims the partnership will be "transformative" for the sport, and will support its growth from grassroots to elite levels. 新名称下的第一场比赛将于9月14日由英格兰女队对阵新西兰。 The first match under the new name will feature England's women's team playing New Zealand on September 14th.