Kaitlyn Kramer于7月7日在纳什维尔指导一位母亲在家分娩。 911 operator Kaitlyn Kramer guided a mother through an at-home birth in Nashville on July 7.
紧急救援服务员凯特琳·克莱默在7月7日在纳什维尔带领一名孕妇在家中意外分娩. 911 operator Kaitlyn Kramer guided an expectant mother through a surprise at-home delivery in Nashville on July 7. Kramer利用她的经验,在电话中指导母亲和旁观者,在婴儿出生时听到婴儿的哭喊声。 Using her experience, Kramer coached the mother and bystanders through the process over the phone, and heard the baby's cries as the baby was born. 这标志着克雷默第二次在911热线上帮助送货,她认为这种情况提醒人们注意她的工作的重要性。 This marked the second time Kramer has helped during a delivery over the 911 hotline, and she views such situations as a reminder of the importance of her job.