新西兰的MTA提出了打击服务站零售犯罪的10点行动计划。 New Zealand's MTA proposes a 10-point action plan to combat retail crime at service stations.
新西兰汽车贸易协会提出了打击各服务站零售犯罪的十点行动计划。 New Zealand's Motor Trade Association (MTA) has proposed a 10-point action plan to combat retail crime at service stations. 该计划包括扩大警察社区打击巡逻,取消在社交媒体上分享犯罪视频的罪犯的资格,调查对被盗燃料的退税。 The plan includes extending Police Community Beat Patrols, disqualifying offenders who share crime videos on social media, and investigating rebates on taxes for stolen fuel. 多式联运协会的目标是与政府、警察和其他机构合作,执行各项措施,保护零售部门的工人。 MTA aims to work with the government, police, and other agencies to implement the measures and protect workers in the retail sector.