日本实际工资在6月份增长了1.1%,名义工资以1997年以来最快的速度增长4.5%。 Japan's real wages rose 1.1% in June, with nominal wages increasing 4.5% at the fastest pace since 1997.
6月,日本经过通货膨胀调整的实际工资首次上升,这是近两年来在6月份发生的一次,名义工资以近30年来最快的速度增长。 Japan experienced a rise in inflation-adjusted real wages for the first time in nearly two years in June, with nominal pay increasing at the fastest pace in nearly three decades. 这一增长支持了日本银行的信念,即工资增长越来越普遍。 This growth supports the Bank of Japan's belief that wage increases are becoming more widespread. 实际工资在6月份增长了1.1%,名义工资增长了4.5%,这是自1997年1月以来增长最快的。 Real wages rose 1.1% in June, and nominal wages increased by 4.5%, the fastest growth since January 1997. 由于更多的公司在劳动力短缺的情况下提高了工资,因此提高了奖金。 Higher bonuses as more firms raised wages amid a labor shortage contributed to the increase.