英国前首相利兹·特拉斯(Liz Truss)警告说,如果不解决内部分歧和关键问题,保守党可能会消亡。 Former UK PM Liz Truss warns Conservative party could die without addressing internal divisions and key issues.
保守党的前总理Liz Truss警告说, 如果保守党不能解决内部分歧, 解决气候变化,社会不平等和英国脱欧等问题, 保守党可能"实际上会死去". Former UK PM Liz Truss has warned the Conservative party could "effectively die" if it fails to address internal divisions and tackle issues like climate change, social inequality, and Brexit. 任期49天的特拉斯批评现任领导人瑞希·苏纳克, 并建议由奈杰尔·法拉奇领导的改革党可以取代保守党, Truss, who served for 49 days, criticized current leader Rishi Sunak and suggested that Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage, could replace the Tories as the party representing the "right". 特鲁斯认为该党必须恢复其核心价值观,团结起来在政治上生存。 Truss believes the party must regain its core values and unite to survive politically.