在安大略省科尔本港,一场免费的比利·塔伦特音乐会上,有4000-5000名观众挤满了场地,导致警方介入,并造成轻微伤害. 4,000-5,000 concertgoers overcrowded a free Billy Talent concert in Port Colborne, Ontario, leading to police intervention and minor injuries.
在安大略省科尔本港举行的一场免费的Billy Talent音乐会上,成千上万的音乐会观众人满为患,导致警察关闭了围栏,大约4,000-5,000人的人群涌入,造成一名警官受轻伤,15名与会者受轻伤。 Thousands of concertgoers overcrowded a free Billy Talent concert in Port Colborne, Ontario, leading to police closing fences and a crowd of around 4,000-5,000 people pushing through, causing one officer's minor injury and 15 minor injuries among attendees. 组织者为了公共安全中止了酒精服务。 Organizers halted alcohol service for public safety. 这次活动是为期三天的运河日节活动的一部分,估计吸引了25 000人,比预期的10 000人增加了一倍。 The event, part of a three-day Canal Days festival, attracted an estimated 25,000 people, double the expected 10,000.