Bloomberg慈善社向历史上的黑人医学院捐赠6 000万美元,作为格林伍德倡议的一部分。 Bloomberg Philanthropies donates $600m to historically Black medical schools' endowments as part of the Greenwood Initiative.
前纽约市市长布隆伯格的慈善组织彭博慈善基金会(Bloomberg Philanthropies)向四所历史悠久的黑人医学院捐赠了6亿美元:霍华德大学医学院(Howard University College of Medicine)、梅哈里医学院(Meharry Medical College)、莫尔豪斯医学院(Morehouse School of Medicine)和查尔斯·德鲁医科大学(Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science)。 Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg's philanthropic organization, Bloomberg Philanthropies, donated $600 million to the endowments of four historically Black medical schools: Howard University College of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science. 这是向历史上任何黑人学院或大学提供的最大私人捐款之一,将比三个机构捐赠数额的两倍多。 This marks one of the largest private donations to any historically Black college or university and will more than double the size of three of the institutions' endowments. 这些资金是彭博慈善社绿木倡议的一部分,旨在缩小种族财富差距。 The funds are part of Bloomberg Philanthropies' Greenwood Initiative, aimed at reducing the racial wealth gap.