65%的英国消费者将食品购物换成Aldi或Lidl, 65% of UK consumers switched food shopping to Aldi or Lidl, with Millennials and Gen Z leading the trend, despite traditional supermarkets' discounts.
根据普华永道的研究,65%的英国消费者将其部分或全部食品购物换成Aldi或Lidl, 逐年上升4个百分点。 65% of UK consumers have switched some or all of their food shopping to Aldi or Lidl, a rise of 4 percentage points year-over-year, according to research by Pricer. 年轻人群,如千一代和Z世代, 转型最有可能, 尽管食品价格通胀下降, 消费者仍然对价格和促销敏感. Younger demographics, like Millennials and Gen Z, are the most likely to switch, and despite falling food price inflation, consumers remain price- and promotion-sensitive. 传统超市的忠诚方案折扣并没有阻止折扣商的增长,因为Aldi和Lidl都比Tesco和Sainsbury的折扣便宜。 Traditional supermarkets' loyalty program discounts have not stemmed the discounter's growth, as both Aldi and Lidl remain cheaper than Tesco and Sainsbury's.