Petrobras和Ecopetrol证实,在哥伦比亚加勒比海岸Tayrona区发现了大量气体。 Petrobras and Ecopetrol confirm significant gas discovery off Colombia's Caribbean coast at the Tayrona block.
巴西能源公司Petrobras和哥伦比亚对口公司Ecopetrol证实,在哥伦比亚加勒比海岸Tayrona区发现大量天然气储备。 Petrobras, a Brazilian energy firm, and Ecopetrol, its Colombian counterpart, have confirmed the discovery of significant gas reserves off Colombia's Caribbean coast at the Tayrona block. Uchuva-2井在深海钻探,增加了该区域的天然气潜力,支持哥伦比亚能源过渡,为煤炭和石油提供了更清洁的替代物。 The Uchuva-2 well, drilled in deep waters, adds to the gas potential in the region and supports Colombia's energy transition, providing a cleaner alternative to coal and oil. 该项目定于2024年底完成。 The project is set to be completed by the end of 2024.