澳大利亚银行退出太平洋区域,影响到小国的基本银行服务。 Australian banks withdraw from Pacific region, impacting essential banking services for small nations.
澳大利亚银行,包括ANZ银行,正在撤出太平洋区域,从而引起对太平洋小国获得基本银行服务的关切。 Australian banks, including ANZ, are withdrawing from the Pacific region, leading to concerns about access to essential banking services for small Pacific nations. 分行的关闭和代理银行关系的衰落威胁到关键交易和汇款,可能严重影响该区域的金融稳定。 The closure of branches and decline of correspondent banking relationships threaten critical transactions and remittances, which could significantly impact financial stability in the region. 银行将复杂的太平洋市场和更严格的金融犯罪条例作为退出的主要理由。 Banks cite complex Pacific markets and stricter financial crime regulations as main reasons for their withdrawal.