32年房主Todd Trofholz和妻子Carrie将西密苏里州最古老的酒馆Glur的酒馆出售给新房主,由新房主作为餐厅维持。 32-year owners Todd Trofholz and wife Carrie sell Glur's Tavern, West Missouri's oldest tavern, to new owners who will maintain it as a restaurant.
32年房主Todd Trofholz和他的妻子Carrie将Glur的酒馆出售给一批新业主,该酒馆是密苏里河以西最古老的酒馆。 32-year owners Todd Trofholz and his wife Carrie sold Glur's Tavern, the oldest tavern west of the Missouri River, to a group of new owners. 酒馆建于1876年,幸存禁酒,将继续作为一家餐馆,由新集团管理。 Established in 1876 and surviving Prohibition, the tavern will continue as a restaurant under the new group's management. Todd将继续是其赞助人,他对其继续运营表示宽慰,并强调其忠诚的客户对其成功的重要性。 Todd, who will remain a patron, expressed relief at its continued operation and emphasized the importance of its loyal customers for its success.