洛杉矶西湖区的百年历史悠久的太平洋餐车大楼遭受火灾严重损坏. 100-year-old historic Pacific Dining Car building in Los Angeles' Westlake district suffers significant fire damage.
洛杉矶西湖区一座有着100年历史的太平洋餐车大楼在火灾中遭受重大损坏, A 100-year-old, historic Pacific Dining Car building in Los Angeles' Westlake district suffered significant damage in a fire that began outside the property. 这间百年之久的餐厅曾经是好莱坞名人流行的场所,现在被列为历史文化遗迹,由于这一流行病,于2020年永久关闭。 The century-old restaurant, once a popular spot for Hollywood celebrities, is listed as a historic-cultural monument and closed permanently in 2020 due to the pandemic. 火灾原因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.